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“We endeavor to reach all those in the remotest corners who toil & struggle to earn their survival & to contribute in a largeway to make our country great & prosperous. Our conventional laws & welfare provisions are still not accessible to these “ Have-nots”. Our work & all outefforts are dedicated to the betterment of their lot & bring them to the mainstream.”

Beedi Workers Welfare Fund
Mines Labour Welfare Fund
Cine Workers Welfare Fund
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Group Insurance Scheme

Each identified beedi worker (between the age of 18 to 60 years) who is not E.P.F. member is covered under Group Insurance Scheme by this organisation. Under the scheme no premium is charged from the beedi worker . The premium amount is being borne 50% from Beedi Workers Welfare Fund and rest 50% from Govt. of India, Social Security Fund.

Benefits :- The dependants of beedi worker get Rs.10,000/- in case of normal death . Rs.25,000/- in case of accidental death or permanent disablement. Similarly for partial permanent disablement case a sum of Rs.12,500/- is being given as Insurance benefit to the next of kin. The application of the claimant under the scheme is required to be submitted to the o/o Welfare & Cess Commissioner, within one year through the medical officer of the Labour Welfare Organisation. See list of dispensaries.

Click here to download Application Form

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© 2010 Welfare & Cess Commissioner, Bhubaneswar, All rights reserved.

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