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“We endeavor to reach all those in the remotest corners who toil & struggle to earn their survival & to contribute in a largeway to make our country great & prosperous. Our conventional laws & welfare provisions are still not accessible to these “ Have-nots”. Our work & all outefforts are dedicated to the betterment of their lot & bring them to the mainstream.”

Beedi Workers Welfare Fund
Mines Labour Welfare Fund
Cine Workers Welfare Fund
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        Labour welfare organization , Bhubaneswar Region runs 6 PHC/Static dispensary /Mobile medical unit  as detailed below:

Catering to IOMC workers

Catering to L&D workers

1.M.M.U, Kasira /Koira

1.M.M.U, Birmitrapur

2.M.M.U. Barbil


3.M.M.U, Badampahar


4.Static dispensary , Boula (P.H.C)


5.Static dispensary, Jururi (P.H.C.)


6.Static dispensary ,Siljora


        All these medical units are headed by a qualified Doctors and dully assisted by requisite number of Pharmacist and Nurse.

50 Bedded Central Hospital , Joda

        In addition to the above, Labour Welfare Organisation, Bhubaneswar Region runs a full fledged 50 bedded refusal hospital known as C.H. Joda located at Joda adjacent to administrative office at Barbil . In Central Hospital Joda Indoor and Outdoor treatment alongwith diet , medicine are provided to the mines workers and their family members absolutely free of cost. All the above seven MMUs/PHCs of IOMC ore Mines and L&D mines provide OPD treatment free of cost alongwith medicines.

Disclaimer : All the contents of this Web Site and on the associated web pages are only for general information and are not intended to be advice on any particular matter.

© 2010 Welfare & Cess Commissioner, Bhubaneswar, All rights reserved.

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