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“We endeavor to reach all those in the remotest corners who toil & struggle to earn their survival & to contribute in a largeway to make our country great & prosperous. Our conventional laws & welfare provisions are still not accessible to these “ Have-nots”. Our work & all outefforts are dedicated to the betterment of their lot & bring them to the mainstream.”

Beedi Workers Welfare Fund
Mines Labour Welfare Fund
Cine Workers Welfare Fund
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Training for Beedi Workers for Alternative Employment

Under the Scheme, training in designated trades for Beedi Workers is being organised at the worker's door steps for their rehabilitation in the alternative Employment. In this region of Labour Welfare Organisation, Bhubaneswar training in the following trades are already in operation through Industrial Training Certres (ITC) recognised by the State Government.

Operational Trades

1. Automotive Repair

    * Basic Automotive Servicing.

    * Minor Repair of Auto Body

    * Auto Body Painting

    * By-cycle and Tri-Cycle Repairing

2. Electrical

    * Basic Electrical Training

    * Repair of Home Appliances

    * House Wiring

3. Electronics

    * Basic Electronics (Repair & Maintenance of Power Supply Inverter and UPS)

    * Repair and Maintenance of T.V Receiver

4. Fabrication

    * Basic wielding (Gas)

    * Basic wielding (Arc)

    * Gas Cutting

    * Fabrication Wielding

    * Pipe Wielding

    * Basic Fitting Works

    * Basic Sheet Metal Work

5. Agriculture

    * Repair and Maintenance of Tyre and Tubes.

    * Cultivation of oil seeds and pulses

The Beedi Workers can approach the Medical Officer of near by Medical Unit of Labour Welfare Organisation, Bhubaneswar to join these training courses. The ITCs interested to organise the training programs can also contact nearest Medical Officer of Labour Welfare Organisation, Bhubaneswar and contact the office of the Welfare & Cess Commissioners, Bhubaneswar.

Disclaimer : All the contents of this Web Site and on the associated web pages are only for general information and are not intended to be advice on any particular matter.

© 2010 Welfare & Cess Commissioner, Bhubaneswar, All rights reserved.

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